07 – Sigüeiro – Santiago

18km is the distance from Sigüeiro to Santiago de Compostela. Easy to do.

The last step of the Camino Inglés is Sigüeiro to Santiago. The overall distance is around 18km and it is easy to do. Most flat terrain and a mixture of rural/ city landscape.

There is nothing special to say about this path in my opinion. Oh yes! There is one thing! Here, we found the only metal plate indicating the remaining distance to Santiago: 11km and 185 meters! The other metal places of the Camino probably were stolen.


https://pt.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/spatialArtifacts.do?event=view&id=15620088&measures=off&title=off&near=off&images=off&maptype=SPowered by Wikiloc

The journey can be resumed in the following image:

Overall journey from Sigüeiro to Santiago

When we arrive to Santiago de Compostela, in the Plaza da Paz we made a different approach to the Cathedral just to pass in other monuments of the city. If you choose to go by the indicated path you will miss some things in the way. But of course… the journey is a personal experience, so choose yours.

Plaza da Paz, in Santiago de Compostela. Different approach when arriving to the Cathedral

Some of the photos of this path.

01 – Ferrol (visit and starting the Camino)

Visiting Ferrol and starting the first 3km of the Camino Inglés

Ferrol is a small city located at 50km from A Coruña.

I’m not the best person to talk about Ferrol, but from what i’ve read it is an important city for Spanish Navy and also because it was here that the dictator Franco was born.

From what i saw, Ferrol was nicer from what i had seen in photos and google street view. Yes, it is a quite old and dark city but we had lucky to see it with a spectacular sunset.

There are many churches and a central park where we have a series of street coffees and plenty of people gathered. Easily we can see the major spots of the city in 2 hours. We weren’t running and we saw many things and still had time to initiate the Camino Inglés.

The train and bus station are situated neat the Plaza de España and you will easily visit Ferrol in 3hours. We arrive at 5.30p.m, we loose ourselfs a little, due to a GPS failure, but did see the Concello de Ferrol, had time to go again to Plaza de España do buy things in the supermarket, we visited the main garden, the Rúa dos Irmandiños (where you will see some major churches), we went to the port, started the Camino, visited the Iglesia de San Francisco, and had time to arrive at 8.45p.m at Ferrol Hospedaje.

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