02 – Ferrol to Pontedeume

Let’s go! Ferrol to Pontedeume!

So, in fact, we can consider this step as the first one of the Caminho Inglés, starting in Ferrol.

Obviously, in the previous post, we started the Camino in the Ferrol port and then we walked around 3km of the Camino Inglés, till a hostel nearby the path.

In this post, we will start our journey at the Ferrol Hospedaje, near the “Diapasan Roundabout”.

In short, in one friday, we left Porto at 10a.m. and arrived Ferrol at 5.30p.m (local time). Then, we visited Ferrol till 9p.m, when we arrived Ferrol Hospedaje.

Now, we will start one the longest distances of the Camino Inglés (not the 33km, from the Ferrol port, but 29km till Pontedeume).

Continue reading “02 – Ferrol to Pontedeume”

03 – What to take?

What to take in this 150km on-foot travel? See it below.

What to take to the Camino is always a good question that will be determined by personal lifestyle and also by weather and gear that you have.

I strongly recommend you have the most technical and ultralight gear, but of course they are expensive. The more you get lightweight material the more expensive it gets.
In this Camino i had the probability of light rain. So i choose not to take heavy waterproof clothes. I only took a kind of “poncho” with 2000mm of water column resistance. Not much but it would do for light and occasional rain.
The rest is presented in the photo.

Continue reading “03 – What to take?”

01 – Previous message

Writing about planning is more a personal issue rather than a collective one. So, i’ll talk about my planning.

Writing about planning is more a personal issue rather than a collective one. So, i’ll talk about my planning.

In my travels i always have an excel worksheet that includes:

  1. Travel planning and budget
  2. Check-list of things to take
  3. Blank worksheet for diary budget control
  4. Real expenses
Talking about each one separately in next posts.