02 – Ferrol to Pontedeume

Let’s go! Ferrol to Pontedeume!

So, in fact, we can consider this step as the first one of the Caminho Inglés, starting in Ferrol.

Obviously, in the previous post, we started the Camino in the Ferrol port and then we walked around 3km of the Camino Inglés, till a hostel nearby the path.

In this post, we will start our journey at the Ferrol Hospedaje, near the “Diapasan Roundabout”.

In short, in one friday, we left Porto at 10a.m. and arrived Ferrol at 5.30p.m (local time). Then, we visited Ferrol till 9p.m, when we arrived Ferrol Hospedaje.

Now, we will start one the longest distances of the Camino Inglés (not the 33km, from the Ferrol port, but 29km till Pontedeume).

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